Endometriosis is a more recent condition. Forty or fifty years ago most people never heard about it. Women just weren't having this problem. Endometriosis is a condition where there is an over growth of endometrial cells so they push to outside of the uterus. In the late stage of the menstrual cycle, instead of a layer of endometriosis lining on the inside of the uterus expelled, known as the menstruation blood, some of the endometriosis tissues grow in other reproductive tissues of the body.
Most cases of endometriosis are diagnosed within the pelvic region, on the lining of the peritoneum, in the ovaries, and on the surface of the uterus's outside wall. However, the condition can also be found anywhere in the body such as the fallopian tubes, the cervix, the vagina, and even the vulva.
20% of reproductive women with endometriosis present without symptoms.
55% of women have severe menstrual cramps.
25% of women with endometriosis are less fertile than a normal couple.
Endometriosis can be classified into different stages.
*Minimal stage:
Endometrial cells are found on the top surface, of the inside wall on the of the uterus, ligaments, and ovary in few numbers.
*Mild stage:
Deeper implants, greater endometrial cell numbers are present. Commonly found in the same area as a minimal stage.
*Moderate stage:
Many endometrial cells, endometrial cysts present, affecting ovary function, causing scar tissues and adhesion are also present.
*Severe stage:
Intensive peritoneal implants, large endometromas present and dense adhesion. Some women may have extensive endometrial tissues in their body but feel little or no pain, but other women in the early stage of endometriosis have excessive pain. This may depend on the amount of inflammation there is in reaction to these excessive cells and or scar tissue caused. With a pelvic pain relief program, total recovery from the pain has proven to last for years without drugs, birth control or surgery. Regular cycles return also. The protocol includes five initial treatments that usually resolves the pain and then from there a patient may choose to take some more treatments to increase fertility.
In Chinese medicine Endometriosis falls under the concepts of stagnant blood and phlegm.
Stagnant blood is where local stagnation of blood is due to circulatory retardation from various causes and extravasated blood held in spaces between tissues or in cavities or tracts are filled with substantial stagnant blood. It may remain stagnant in different parts of the body and cause different functional disturbances.
Disorders caused by stagnant blood are characterized by:
a. Pain - This may be stabbing or boring, or at times it is severe colicky pain. The painful area is fixed.
b. Hemorrhage - The blood is often deep or dark purplish , or it has dark purple clots.
c. Mass, tumor or enlargement of the internal organs in the abdomen.
Stagnation of phlegm in this case refers to a functional disorder of the spleen that may cause derangement of water and body fluids. It may stay in different body parts and condense. When it is retained subcutaneously it takes the form of soft movable nodules.
Detoxification is vital for the healing of Endometriosis. On a daily basis you are exposed to chemicals and toxins of all kinds and they must be cleaned out. Many of these toxins have been disrupting your natural hormone balance for decades. They enter your body through pesticides, herbicides, plastics, food, water, skin care products, direct exposure and air. Once they are there, they are what is called hormone disrupors, where they mimic hormones such as estrogen, causing a disruption in your natural hormonal balance by affecting hormone communication and signaling.
This toxic assault taxes your liver and kidneys, both of which try desperately to break down these toxins and get them out of the body. However it's tough and the toxins do damage fairly quickly. They significantly affect the trillions of healthy bacteria in the gut ( the micobiome ), which work to metabolize nutrients, make vitamins, and especially detoxify harmful forms of estrogen from the metabolism of our own estrogen or from the environment. Toxic forms of estrogen can increase our risk of breast cancer, endometriosis, infertility, and autoimmune disease. When subjected to this stew of toxic chemicals and hormone disrupters, you are open to getting problems with digestion, metabolism and inflammation. Other manifestations of toxic exposure include worsening PMS symptoms, early symptoms of approaching menopause ( such as hot flashes and mood swings ), and a tougher transition through menopause. These toxins negatively affect our genetics and can lead to cancer.
Estrogen is metabolized by your liver. It converts excess estrogen into breakdown products that can be eliminated from the body. Within the liver there are three main pathways through which estrogen can be metabolized. There are two estrogen pathways that are toxic and unhealthy. The third pathway is called the 2-methyl-hydroxy pathway. If the body can convert estrogen along it you will be healthier and reduce your risk of endometriosis and cancer. This pathway can be supported by eating probiotic rich foods including alkalizing and methyl-group containing types of vegetables in your diet. Vegetables with methylation-supporting nutrients are the very same foods that are high in B vitamins, such as leafy green vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, peas, lentils, sunflower seeds and nuts. Animal foods like egg yolk, chicken, turkey , fish, beef, pork, lamb and liver also provide methyl groups. Nutrients high in methyl groups include B12, folate, vitamin B6, choline and the amino acids methionine and betaine. ( However, If you are a medium to low energy person it is not recommended for you to take methionine, as it could make you feel more lethargic and depressed. You have to be the right neuro-transmitter type to take this safely ).
While a detoxification dietary program may help, your body is so overwhelmed with toxins it needs more help, otherwise it could take forever for any pain abatement and start healing the uterus. There is help available with a special Acupuncture protocol that eliminates the toxins and pain allowing the uterine tissue to heal.
Many researchers and physicians believe that toxic elements such as pesticides are involved with the cause of endometriosis. This makes sense since many pesticides and other toxic elements are endocrine disruptors, such as Malathion, Dioxin,
Diazinon, Glyphosate and some other pesticides and herbicides , and can cause painful inflammation and stagnant in all areas of the body. Here at Sunnyslope Healing Arts we have been clearing many different pesticides like Dioxin, Glyphosates ( the main active ingredient in Roundup ) and Malathion from peoples bodies in a few treatments with astonishing results.
Since the aerial spraying of Malathion in areas in and around Los Angeles years ago, we have found people who were exposed to this pesticide, they were spraying, got very sick with breathing problems and all kinds of sudden painful conditions. Many women experienced sudden loss of their menstrual periods, where before the women were always regular. When we figured out that the cause of their symptoms and painful problems was the Malathion that had just been sprayed in the area ( and where on the news, where people were told to cover their cars because it could ruin their paint ), we administered a special acupuncture treatment to the area and or areas involved and even the most severe painful issues resolved by the time the treatment was over and stayed resolved permanently. Over and over again patients would come in with pain and then finally at the end of an acupuncture treatment get up with no pain and remain without pain after that. We found that we got best results by treating certain areas at a time. Also women who were always normal before exposure and who had lost their periods, after significant exposure to pesticides, regained their periods the very next day after the treatment. Women have continued to come in with these Malathion and Dioxin toxicity related conditions for years after the spraying, along with other pesticide toxicity and continue to get great and dramatic relief from these issues.
It is also interesting to note that Monsanto began selling Roundup - the main active ingredient of which is glyphosate - 1974. So glyphosates have been found involved in the abnormal endometrial
tissues. It may account for the many cases of early menses.
A special Acupuncture treatment and a needle free Acupuncture treatment works so well for endometriosis it is astonishing, especially for the patients who have been suffering for so many years with so much pain and who have tried everything short of surgery, including, of course, birth control pills which helps with easing the pain but not totally eliminating pain and does not resolve the problem. Young women of child bearing age want to resolve this condition so they have a chance to conceive. Plus being on birth control long term is not recommended because it is considered by scientific research that they may cause or greatly contribute to some cancers later in life, such as breast cancer.
We have found women with endometriosis usually have a lot of toxicity and considering that pesticides are hormone disruptors and because they cause so much inflammation it makes sense they can be involved in endometriosis. They also interfere with the liver's ability to process all the hormones, which adds insult to injury. After a few treatments when a threshold of toxin elimination is reached , women, with endometriosis, suddenly start to experience great reductions of their pain , often the pain significantly reduced and then gradually reduces to absolutely no pain. While going through this easy painless non-invasive process these patients report that they noticed that their urine has a really weird smell and different from normal when they urinate. This is common and a sign the toxins are leaving the body. Other patients experience a chemical taste in their mouths for a short period of time after the treatment. These patients are so ecstatic and relieved to be free from pain after years of suffering from this painful condition. It has been such a big issue in their lives for years, that they can't believe all the pain is gone. Before this treatment they, often, have tried everything including diet, supplements, herbs and chelation therapy. Then over months and years it is reported that the pain has permanently been eliminated and never came back.
It is also interesting to note that many of these women started their menstrual periods at an early age compared to the norm. Girls started getting their periods at an earlier age here in Los Angeles, starting just a while after the massive aerial spraying campaign for the elimination of the medfly. This was in 1989 and there were protests to the aerial spraying as citizens realized it was making them sick. Fleets of black helicopters sprayed areas at night and sometimes right before sunset you could see them flying in low formation over you as you are driving home from work and it was referred to as Ecoterrorism in the news papers, at the time. Patients who grew up on the east coast also got dioxin and other equally disruptive pesticides in their systems too. Dioxin is one of the chemical components to Malathion. Treatment for the conditions from it is a similar careful Acupuncture based treatment as it is for conditions from Malathion, including for endometriosis. Glyphosate, Round up, other pesticides and toxins are also often involved, of course, and when they are in the system in either the reproductive system or endocrine system, they can be involved in the cause of inflammation and cause of the endometriosis, along with a host of other problems.
The difference in whether a girl or women losses their period after being normal or gets their period at an earlier age then what is considered normal depends on the dosage and how it got into their systems. The batch of girls across the country who started getting their periods earlier, did not get a big massive dose from the aerial spraying like the women who suddenly stopped getting their periods, however there was a considerable exposure. Girls who were in the area of aerial spraying may have had a chance to excrete some of the pesticide but not enough to prevent them from still effecting their hormones. Girls who are getting their periods early should be checked to see if they have pesticides in their system and consider what to do about it eventually because the pesticides can cause a lot of inflammation, depress immune function and organ functions may eventually cause serious health issues, along with early menopause.
Women who are also going through menopause exceedingly early should also be checked for toxins and or pesticides in their systems. This is such an emotionally painful issue for them because they are often in their early thirties and just getting ready to start a family. Clearing the pesticides out can change everything.
According to government cdc.gov documents below:
According to government documents at cdc.gov there are tests available to determine whether you have been exposed to malathion. Breakdown products of malathion can be measured in the urine, but the tests need to be conducted within days of the exposure since these products are eliminated fairly rapidly. Maybe some of the malathion eliminates early but not all especially after repeated exposures. These tests, however, do not predict whether or not the exposure to malathion will produce harmful health effects. Another type of test measures the levels of a substance called cholinesterase in your blood. This test is not specific for malathion, but can be used to determine exposure to man other substances that act in a way similar to malathion. If the levels of cholinesterase in your blood are less than half of what they should be, then you may get symptoms of poisoning. Smaller decreases in cholinesterase may only indicate that you have been exposed to malathion or similar substances, but you will not necessarily experience harmful effects. Cholinesterase levels in the blood can stay low for months after you have been exposed to malathion or similar chemicals.
This section discusses potential health effects from exposures during the period from conception to maturity at 18 years of age in humans. Children can be exposed to malathion from food and drinking water, but these risks are low and not of concern. Because malathion is a widely used pesticide, greater concern exists from exposure following application to recreational areas, parks, and playgrounds and from home and garden uses of malathion. Children can also be exposed when malathion is sprayed, for example, to control mosquitos. Because children spend more time outdoors than adults, they may be at a greater risk of exposure to malathion than adults. Because of their smaller weight, children’s intake of malathion per kilogram of body weight may be greater than that of adults. The EPA permits residues of pesticides to be present in crops used as food, and these amounts are considered to be safe. Children may be exposed also by dermal contact with contaminated surfaces or by placing contaminated objects in their mouths. The main target of malathion toxicity in children is the nervous system, the same as in adults . Children who have accidentally swallowed high amounts of malathion or who had skin contact with high amounts of malathion experienced difficulty breathing, chest tightness, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, watery eyes, salivation, sweating, headaches, dizziness, and loss of consciousness, and some died. We do not know whether or not children are more susceptible than adults to malathion toxicity. However, studies in animals have shown that very young animals are more susceptible than older ones when exposed to high amounts of malathion.
Neurological Effects.
Clinical signs and symptoms of malathion intoxication are typical of organophosphate poisoning. Malathion and its metabolite, malaoxon, inhibit the enzyme acetylcholinesterase and thus, prevent the hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Continuous presence of acetylcholine at parasympathetic autonomic muscarinic receptors results in ocular effects (miosis, blurred vision), gastrointestinal effects (nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea), respiratory effects (excessive bronchial secretions, chest tightness, bronchoconstriction), cardiovascular effects (bradycardia, decreased blood pressure), effects on exocrine glands (increased salivation, lacrimation), and effects on the bladder (incontinence). At the level of parasympathetic and sympathetic autonomic nicotinic receptors, acetylcholine will induce tachycardia and increase blood pressure. At the neuromuscular junction, excess acetylcholine will induce muscle fasciculations, cramps, diminished tendon reflexes, muscle weakness in peripheral and respiratory muscles, ataxia, and paralysis. Finally, overstimulation of brain cholinergic receptors will lead to drowsiness, lethargy, fatigue, headache, generalized weakness, dyspnea, convulsions, and cyanosis. The signs and symptoms described above have been documented in almost all of the cases of accidental or intentional ingestion of high amounts of malathion and in cases of dermal intoxication. Lethal doses can be estimated from case reports to have been between 350 and 2,000 mg/kg. These dose levels usually inhibited plasma and RBC cholinesterase activities to levels ranging from undetectable to 10–30% of normal. Studies of workers exposed to a combination of pesticides, including malathion, have shown decreases between 10 and 50% in both plasma and RBC cholinesterase activities. In general, plasma cholinesterase activity can be inhibited by 20–25% without significant physiological consequences. Studies also have shown that the rate of decrease of RBC cholinesterase correlates better with appearance of symptoms than the absolute value reached after exposure. It was found that plasma cholinesterase activity in workers who exhibited cholinergic symptoms and signs was 17% lower than in workers without symptoms and signs. Similar findings were reported in another study (Ernest et al. 1995). No cholinergic signs were seen in a study in which the activities of RBC and plasma cholinesterase varied less than 10% between pre- and postexposure. A study in volunteers exposed to 85 mg/m3 of a malathion aerosol for 2 hours/day over a 42-day period observed no clinical signs and no significant inhibition of plasma or RBC cholinesterase activity over the study period. In an additional study of volunteers orally administered 0.34 mg malathion/kg/day for 56 days, there was a maximum depression of 25% in plasma cholinesterase approximately 3 weeks after cessation of treatment. A similar depression in RBC cholinesterase was observed, but occurred later. Administration of 0.11 mg malathion/kg/day for 32 days or 0.23 mg/kg/day for 47 days did not produce any significant depression of plasma or RBC cholinesterase activity. No clinical signs were seen in the volunteers. As detailed in Section 3.2, numerous studies in animals exposed to malathion by any route have shown inhibition of plasma, RBC, and brain cholinesterase activities.
SUMMARY OF HEALTH EFFECTS Malathion is an organophosphate pesticide of relatively low acute toxicity compared to other organophosphates. Signs and symptoms of acute toxicity are typical of those induced by organophosphate insecticides as a group. Almost all of the systemic effects observed following exposure to malathion are due to the action of its active metabolite, malaoxon, on the nervous system, or are secondary to this primary action. Malaoxon inhibits the enzyme acetylcholinesterase at the various sites where the enzyme is present in the nervous system, (i.e., the central nervous system, the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system, and the neuromuscular junction). Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase results in accumulation and continuous action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine at postsynaptic sites. Information regarding effects of malathion in humans is derived mainly from cases of accidental or intentional ingestion of malathion, studies of the general population exposed during aerial application of the pesticide for pest control, studies of pesticide users exposed to multiple pesticides including malathion, a few controlled exposure studies with volunteers, and cases of dermal exposure to malathion. Oral ingestion of high amounts of malathion resulted in typical signs and symptoms of organophosphate intoxication including reduced plasma and red blood cell (RBC) cholinesterase activity, excessive bronchial secretions, respiratory distress, salivation, pinpoint pupils, bradycardia, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, tremor, fasciculation, and occasionally death. Epidemiological studies have found weak associations between exposure to malathion and developmental effects and certain types of cancer. Malathion has also been shown to be a contact sensitizer, and results from some studies have suggested that it may cause adverse genetic effects. No chronic effects have been documented in humans following exposure specifically to malathion. Studies in animals support the human data and confirm that the main target of malathion toxicity is the nervous system. Malathion induced liver carcinogenicity in female Fischer344 rats and in male and female B6C3F1 mice at doses that were considered excessive. Results from a series of studies in animals conducted in the last decade suggest that malathion can modulate (increase or decrease) some immunologic parameters at doses below those that induce neurotoxicity. Although the physiological significance of these effects is yet unclear, it has been suggested that enhancements of the immune response induced by malathion may be responsible for symptoms such as lacrimation, rashes, and irritation of mucous membranes seen occasionally after aerial spraying of the pesticide. The mechanism of action of malathion-induced immunologic alterations is not known. Neurotoxicity is the main effect of malathion in humans and animals, and the mechanism of neurotoxic action has been studied extensively and is well understood. Therefore, the section below will focus only on neurological effects. The reader is referred to Section 3.2, Discussion of Health Effects by Route of Exposure, for information on additional effects that may have been observed sporadically in animal studies and in human case reports, and are of unclear physiological significance