Acute maladaptive immune reactions in Allergies and chronic degenerative diseases share a number of common factors, regardless of the specific condition. By addressing these underlying factors with acupuncture and needle- free acupuncture the conditions for Allergies and chronic disease, as well as the diseases and conditions themselves, will be eliminated.
An allergy is an inappropriate response by the body's immune system to a substance that is not normally harmful. The immune system is the highly complex defense mechanism that helps us to combat infection. It does this by identifying ""foreign bodies and mobilizing the body's white blood cells to fight them. Sometimes the immune system wrongly identifies a non toxic substance as an invader, and the white blood cells overreact and do more damage to the body than the invader.
The substances that cause allergies are called allergens. Almost any substance can cause an allergy to someone somewhere in the world, but the most common allergens are grass, pollen, dust, certain metals (especially nickel), some cosmetics, lanolin, some animal hair, insect bites and stings and in California we have found that sage is a very common allergen because it is growing wild every where , and for some people constant exposure to a substance can turn into an allergy to that substance.
Some common drugs can cause allergic reactions such as, penicillin, and aspirin. Some common food allergies are to strawberries, eggs, wheat,, shellfish, and peanuts, but it is not uncommon for a person to have a long list of foods they are allergic to. People can also have sensitivities to some additives like benzoic acid and sulfure dioxide and chemicals found in soap and washing powder. Environmental allergies can range from petro- chemical solvents to trees.
It is not known for sure why some people are allergic to certain substances. However, allergies do run in families and it is also believed that babies that are not breastfed are more likely to develop allergies.
It is also believed that there may be an emotional cause to the problem as well.
It is also observed that allergies may be caused by several conditions such as;
A LEAKY GUT where small undigested or not fully digested food particles get into the blood stream and body's system and gets targeted as an allergen. This may be due to deficient enzymes and or lack of enough healthy flora. Undigested food can enter the bloodstream and cause a reaction. A food allergy occurs when a person has an antibody response to the ingested food.
EXPOSURE TO CHEMICALS where exposure to chemicals such as petroleum solvents, pesticides and pollution of all kinds can cause the immune system to weaken and or misdirect it's influence to disturbing the normal functions of the body.
Constant and over exposure to the same elements whether environmental or food. It can also be drinking the same alcohol and a person can develop an allergy to that one kind of alcohol and then guess what, a craving for it and then possibly become an alcoholic.
Here at Sunnyslope Healing Arts we have cleared people with these allergies and have been informed that their cravings disappeared right after the clearing.
UNCONSCIOUS ASSOCIATION WITH THE ALLERGEN TO A TRAUMATIC OR STRESSFUL EXPERIENCE. Such as a common food that was eaten at the time of the stress or traumatic event. It is possible to clear two to three allergens in a session naturally with non invasive and painless methods. However if there is an strong unconscious association of a negative experience, that association must be made conscious first so the allergen can be cleared. This is mostly an unusual situation but does happen. Once the association has been made the clearing goes very well and lasts a very long time, usually a lifetime.