This is perhaps the most ancient form of medicine practiced in the world today, having originated in China over 3,000 years ago. Due to its proven effectiveness it has been embraced throughout the world today.
Acupuncture can reduce inflammation and pain, improve function and mobility, increase circulation and promote the body's natural healing. It involves the placement of ultra thin sterilized needles into specific points located at various depths just below the skin's surface. It has been time tested over thousand of years in Asia and continues to be a valuable and popular healing method based on it's effectiveness. Western science has shown that acupuncture points do exhibit a variety of physical and electrical properties. Stimulation of these points produce definite physiologic reactions in the body, such as in heart rate, blood pressure, brain activity, blood chemistry, endocrine functions, intestinal activity and immunological reactions. Western medical research shows that acupuncture has the ability to effect various biochemical and physiological conditions to treat a wide variety of fact exist. The needles in the acupuncture points act like switching stations to pull or push energy along their primary and secondary routes more equitably to create balance and wellness.
Many studies have suggested the possibility that the analgesic effects of acupuncture are produced by stimulating the release of naturally-occurring morphine-like substances, called "endorphins" in the brain. Acupuncture has been used as the only anesthetic in many operations world wide. When I was in China I observed and witnessed several surgeries where only Acupuncture anesthesia was used and the patients where in fact wide awake during major surgery and talking and responding to the doctors and observers.
Ancients discovered and recognized the meridian lines of energy in the body and today science is recognizing the electro-magnetic potential of the body and the existence of these energy lines. Today we have EMG's and MRI's and other
tests which are based on the body's basic biomagnetic system. Research has found the existence of the meridian system. Meridians are like optic fibers that transmit energy. They are an integral part of human functioning. The meridian system is very similar to radio in that radio waves likewise cannot be seen by the human eye but we all understand that they do exist
Acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins which not only relax the whole body when released, but they regulate serotonin in the brain which plays a big part in our moods. This is one reason why depression is often treated with acupuncture and very often, along with simple and natural supplemental support, patients get phenomenal results. Patients can go from suicidal and difficult people to happy higher functioning individuals.
Acupuncture releases the spasm cycle which muscles can get caught in, causing unrelenting pain, by increasing circulation and allowing nutrients to get to the nerves and muscles to heal. This allows bones and tendons to move into their correct position of strength and comfort. Note: It is the muscles and tendons that hold the bones in place not visa versa.
The World Health Organization recognize acupuncture to be effective analgesia used in major surgical procedures, effective treatment for drug abuse, a diagnostic aid and the sheer weight of evidence demands that acupuncture must be taken seriously as a clinical procedure of considerable value.
The World Health Organization drew up the following list of diseases that lend them themselves to acupuncture treatment.
Upper Respiratory Tract Respiratory System
Acute Sinusitis Acute bronchitis
Acute Rhinitis Bronchial Asthma
Common Cold
Acute tonsillitis
Disorders of the mouth Gastrointestinal Disorders
Toothache, post-extraction pain Spasms of the esophagus
Acute and chronic pharyngitis Acute and chronic gastritis
Acute and chronic colitis
Neurological and Musculo-Skeletal Disorders Menstrual Disorders
Headache and Migraine Menopause
Trigeminal neuralgia Carpal Tunnel
Facial palsy TMJ
Maniere's disease
Frozen Shoulder Emotional Disturbances
Tennis elbow Anger
Sciatica insomnia
Low Back pain
Needle Free Acupuncture:
This is done with specially made Japanese magnetic acupuncture point stimulators by acupuncturists specifically trained in this specialty. These Japanese point stimulators are placed on Acupuncture points all over the body in specific ways, on specific Acupuncture points to treat a specific problem or problems. Courses training licensed Acupuncturists, who are already familiar with the acupuncture points and lines of energy are a must for knowledge for effective treatments in this specific treatment style. These therapy devices are now being used to relieve and eliminate pain, reverse degenerative diseases, facilitate healing of all kinds of pain. A stiff neck can be resolved in ten to thirty minutes. Chronic pain responds extremely well to this treatment as does pain from cancer. Cancer patients respond better to this treatment then the traditional needle based treatment.
The energy field from these devices relieve and reverse artiosclerosis, Alzheimer's, high cholesterol and high triglycerides. It has proven effective in reversing scar tissue to normal tissue.
This therapy is an effective treatment for infections (bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites). This therapy can substantially help with mental disorders and sleep disorders.
The energy field of these devises alkalinizes tissues and releases oxygen from its bound state back to its molecular state. By returning tissues to a normal healthy state the cellular energy recovery relieves inflammation, swelling and other symptoms and accelerated healing.
This therapy has been used to successfully treat cataracts in both animals and humans. After just several weeks improvement in eyesight is observed. Macular degeneration also responds to this therapy.
This is one of a few major styles of acupuncture. It is considered the gentlest form while being highly effective. In general terms Japanese acupuncture is unique in it's efficiency and precision. Techniques often are directed at using the minimal amount of stimulation to attain the greatest results.
This technique is growing in popularity because it effectively treats both chronic and acute pain in a hurry with no side effects. This technique is being used by the Air Force in war zones like Iraq and Afghanistan. It is effective in treating all kinds of pain, headaches, tumors, allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, hypertension, facial spasm, TMJ, menstrual disorders, joint and back pain and it can tranquilize the mind and help insomnia.
Two thousand years ago it was discovered that the energy meridians of the body were linked to the ear and because of that the ear can reflect conditions of the internal organs. Since then a French physician, Dr. Paul Nagier and the Chinese discovered the relationship between diseases and the ear and it's value in diagnosis and treatment. Research in this area has made Ear Acupuncture a valuable method of diagnosis and treatment.
Many diseases and conditions may be treated by this therapy independently. For some, it also can be used as an accessory therapy.
The treatment uses tiny needles or spheres applied to the skin of the ear to block pain in as few as five minutes and can last for several days or longer. There are virtually no complications and the patients are subject to little or no discomfort. A patient can expect a good result within minutes. It has been found that approximately 15 percent of patients do not respond to this type of acupuncture, but of those who do, which is 85 percent, their pain reduction often averages about 75 percent according to the Battlefield Ear Acupuncture used in the Air Force, but other specialists have found the effective rate is 95%. The frequency of application and the duration of relief vary but this treatments offers real relief when drugs just don't provide relief. Ear acupuncture can relieve and even stop the pain until the source of the problem can be resolved.
AURICULAR THERAPY is recommended for various painful diseases - relieving pain is the most important characteristic of auricular therapy. It is recommended for:
Pain due to injuries, such as sprains, wounds, fractures, stiff neck and sprain.
Wound pain, scar pain, phantom limb pain, pain after operations
Pain due to inflammations, such as tonsillitis, pharygitis or rheumatic arthritis.
Nerve pain such as headache, trigeminal neuralgia, TMJ and sciatica.
Pain due to Raynaud's Disease
Pain due to tumor
Hyperthyroidism, hypertension, facial spasm and menstrual disorders
Chronic diseases such as lumbosacral pain, shoulder and back pain and chronic gastritis
It has the function of tranquillizing the mind, relieving inflammation and relieving spasm and pain.
Auricular laser therapy is a technique using an low intensity laser to stimulate the ear points and is suitable for old patients, children and those who are afraid of pain or needles. Small spheres may also be placed on the ear points to continue to stimulate the points.
This amazing acupuncture technique applies acupuncture to specific centers of the head and scalp. It is particularly effective for stroke, paralysis, auto injuries, cramp, palsy, parkinsonism, scoliosis and migraine headaches.
It was first demonstrated to the public in 1987, at a conference in Beijing, when right after a treatment demonstration of scalp acupuncture the patient with paraplegia was able to get up and walk. Representatives from 50 countries were amazed and newspapers around the world reported on this.
For general cases one or two treatments a week for seven to ten times. For severe cases (e.g. paralyzed patients) they should receive a treatment possibly every other day. However Carol has seen patients with paralysis gain total mobility in just one treatment.
This is an adjunct therapy that involves stimulation of the acupuncture points either with or without needles that facilitates healing, increased circulation and relieves pain through the use of a mild electrical current. This offers a needle-less protocol for children and needle-phobics and is used mainly for pain and spasm.
This is an adjunct therapy that is commonly used with acupuncture that involves heating the acupuncture points either with needles or without. Scientific research found that the energy moving meridians transmit infrared radiation from the moxa herb so the healing mechanism of moxibustion
is similar to needle acupuncture. The validity of moxibustion has been confirmed by many recent scientific studies. It has effects on the immune system, analgesia, the kidneys, colitis and muscle pain and spasm. The use of the moxa heated herb may be used alone or with needles and it is warm and soothing to an area where it promotes circulation and relaxation.
Moxibustion can stop most cases of acute diarrhea quickly. Isn't that weird?
Acupuncture facial rejuvenation and acupuncture face lift treatments reduce lines and wrinkles
and helps restore skin to it's youthful appearance. It brings beautiful, more natural looking results in harmony with your face. It gives your skin and face a youthful glow. By the shallow insertion of small thin needles It can lift sagging skin such as jowls and bring energy to biologic pathways to reverse the ravages of time. Results are immediate and can be stunning. Acupuncture face lifts encourage immune system regeneration, hydration and cell growth. A treatment plan may also include customized anti-aging herbal formulas and Low Intensity Laser Therapy. Herbal skin care treatments for reducing acne scars and brown spots work to bring healing refinement to the skin. This is a very comfortable and relaxing treatment that can compliment a traditional acupuncture wellness treatment. Do yourself a favor and take an entire course of treatments for lasting results.
Low intensity laser therapy is used for cosmetic and facial rejuvenation and for people who are needle-phobic. It is helpful in reducing acne scars and reducing lines. Research has found that the physiological effects of laser light at low intensity are biostimulation, tissue repair and regeneration, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. It increases metabolism at the cellular level. At the tissue level, circulation increases during and after the administration of the low intensity laser therapy. New blood and lymphatic vessels form and collagen synthesis is enhanced. The biochemical model research attributes pain relief to a host of factors, including elevated endorphins and acetylcholine, decreased release of histamine and increased microcirculation. Over 2,500 studies have already been performed using the low intensity laser therapy.
Low Intensity Laser therapy is used throughout Europe and Asia to treat a wide variety of conditions. Therapeutic applications of LILT which have shown promising results include: acne, arthritis, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, cerebral palsy, dental applications, fibromyalgia, headaches, hearing disorders, migraine, neuropahy, sinusitis, scars, skin disorders, tendonitis, wound healing.
There is no destruction of tissue and relatively little risk associated with low intensity lasers.
This is an ancient technique that brings circulation of fresh blood to an area where stagnation of
blood and lymph needs to be moved to relieve muscle pain and stiffness. This is an adjunct therapy
and leaves your back looking like you have been attacked by an octopus for awhile but it doesn't hurt.