IN 1978, Isreal banned toxic pesticides which had been linked directly with breast cancer in a 1976 study. Over the next ten year, the rate of breast cancer deaths in Isreal declined sharply with a 30%drop in mortality for women under 44 years of age anda an 8% overall decline.
PFASs - Water repellent, fluorinated chemicals
are used in fast food packaging can seep into food and has been linked to kidney & testicular cancer, elevated cholesterol, decreased fertility, thyroid problems and are hormone disruptors. They are also found in furniture, carpets, outdoor gear, clothing, cosmetics and cookware. The higher the temperature the more it can move into the food.
Arsenic, mercury, cadmium and lead are substances that disrupt hormones according to (EWG) the Environmental Working Group. While most people already know about the toxicity of mercury in fish and lead in old paint, many don't know about the other heavy metals.
Mercury collects in the body from food, mercury amalgams. But one big surprising source of mercury is from corn syrup. The process of making high-fructose corn syrup or corn syrup, corn starch or corn sugar is a mercury chlor-alkali process. The person who has an average amount of corn syrup a day, gets the equivalent mercury to having one tooth in their mouth filled with mercury every day for the rest of their lives.
Selenium helps to chelate both mercury and cadmium out of the body.
Cadmium can be found in children's products, cigarettes, shellfish, liver, plastics and batteries. It collects in mens testicles and cause testosterone levels to drop.
Arsenic is found in chicken and it can interfere with normal hormone functioning in the glucocorticoid system which can cause weight gain/loss, protein wasting, immunosuppression, insulin resistance (which can lead to diabetes), osteoporosis, growth retardation and high blood pressure. Using a water filter can reduce your exposure along with choosing organic chicken or going vegan.
Lead is in the soil, air and water and accumulates over the years in the bones and tissues. 40 percent of us have toxic levels of lead in our bodies. Studies show that the average person's blood lead is lower from removing it from gasoline and house paint blood levels on average are still considered too high. Homes built before 1986 are more likely to have lead pipes, fixtures and solder which leach lead into the water, especially hot water. Even copper pipes can have lead solder connecting pipes. House dust often contain 17 times the level it once did. It is part of the problem with osteoporosis because it accumulates into the bones and helps make them weak. It can add to the problem of high blood pressure when women hit menopause. Lead is linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney failure and connected to ADHD Asperger's and violent behavior. Glutathione helps get lead out of the body, along with omega-3 fats and drinking purified water. Symptoms are headaches, insomnia, irritability, a low sex drive, tremors, mood problems, nausea, depression, memory difficulties, trouble concentrating, poor coordination and constipation. Yet most of these can be attributed to other problems. Take 1,000 milligrams of buffered ascorbic acid (vitamin C) a day to help remove lead from the body and take 2,000 to 4,000 IU of Vit D3 a day to prevent your bones from releasing lead into your bloodstream
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical found in canned foods, plastics and dental sealants and are similar in structure to the hormone estrogen. It has been inked to obesity, early puberty and miscarriage.
Dioxin is a chemical that is widely found in foods and accumulate in animal fatty tissue, according to the World Health Organization. Although no longer used in the US it has accumulated in the soil and plants and travels up the food chain. Chronic exposure is linked to lower sperm count and other reproductive effects. It has been linked to immune system problems and cancer. Cut down your exposure by cutting down on eating animal products especially meat, fish, eggs, milk and butter. Or at least go for organic grown products.
Atrazine is a commonly used pesticide that has contaminated drinking water. It has been linked to tumors, delayed puberty and prostate inflammation and is known to turn male frogs into female frogs. Widely used on corn, it has been linked to prostate cancer in men. Laboratory studies suggest that atrazine induces breast and prostate cancer, retards mammary development and may induce abortions. It is used to chemical induce homosexuality and sexual confusion. According to Tyrone Hayes, a biochemist at Berkley, who studies this chemical it is causing huge immune problems in frogs with less then one third of the amount of Atrazine that is allowed in our drinking water system. Certainly in women this is also intensifying hormone dysfunction and problems as it accumulates in their bodies.
This is such a hot topic that Democracy Now did an interview with Tyrone Hayes because the herbicide company, Syngenta, who makes atrazine were upset by the information in an article he had just published and were harassing him.
Organophosphate Pesticides are compounds that the Nazis produced in huge quantities for chemical warfare during World War 11. After the war the American scientists used these compounds to develop a long list of pesticides. they interfere with hormones in humans, including interfering with testosterone functioning and lowering testosterone and altering thyroid hormone levels. Organophosphates, methyl parathion and cypermethrin are pesticides used on coffee plants. Conventional coffee is among the most heavily chemically treated foods in the world. It's steeped in synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. Only 1.1% of Starbucks coffee is organic. Between that and it's high acid content no wonder it ages people so much faster then a non coffee drinker.
Malathion is a pesticide that is widely used in agriculture, residential landscapes, public recreation areas and in public health pest control programs such as mosquito eradication. It is the most commonly used organophosphate insecticide used in the US. In 1989 over 250 sq miles of neighborhoods in Los Angeles and Orange County were aerial sprayed with malathion to rid the area of fruit flies. Eerily reminiscent of Apocalypse Now, more than 60 predawn helicopter mission took place in eight months. People were told to cover their cars with tarps and stay inside as fleets of helicopters sprayed everything methodically over and over again. People were told it was safe. There were over 10,000 complaints of people getting sick with respiratory problems, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, rashes and flu like symptoms were reported to anti malathion organizations. A National Toxicology Program study indicating that malathion causes liver and thyroid cancer in rats and mice. Studies in central Japan showed that malathion effected the liver enzymes and destroyed nervous reponses in children and agriculture workers. Citizens groups were formed in protest and Los Angeles area was seeing an unprecedented uprising over the spraying of malathion. Now years later the World Health Organization has classified malathion in 2015 as 'probably carcinogenic to humans. In a paper from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry it is explained that toxic effects can result from inhalation of the vapor and is readily absorbed through the skin, contributing to system toxicity. When Councilman Joel Wachs held public hearings around the time of the spraying in 1990, a neuroscientist who had studied the health effects of Malathion on humans said that the worst way to be exposed to Malathion was through vapor and inhalation of the spray because it goes right in to the respiratory system and then the Central nervous system. He said it could make people feel very agitated and angry. Soon after we had the LA riots involving Rodney King. Other symptoms include abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, blurred vision, excessive sweating, salivation and lacrimation, wheezing, agitation, seizures, bradycardia or tachycardia, muscle twitching and weakness, hormone disruption, urinary and fecal incontinence. Commercial malathion products often contain impurities and hydrocarbon solvents, such as xylene or toluene, which themselves can cause toxicity. Toxicity of malathion depends on metabolic activation; thus, symptoms may appear from a few minutes to a few hours to a few days after exposure. Signs and symptoms of poisoning vary according to age, dose, and concentration. Other effects are; muscle twitching, cramping and weakness. It can effect heart rate both rapid or slowed and high blood pressure. CNS effects are irritability, nervousness, giddiness, fatigue, lethargy, impairment of memory, confusion, slurred speech, visual disturbance, depression, impaired gait. In the end people were sick and the med fly was not eradicated according to a local newspaper, LA Times, story. Malathion has been an ingredient in shampoo to control head lice. Better to use Pine Tar Soap. I prefer Grandpa's brand as it smells the best and does the job for getting rid of flees, tics and lice. Malathion along with other organophosphates have been linked to delayed neuropathy, involving weakness or paralysis of the extremities, particularly the legs after repeated exposure. Malathion can become more toxic if sitting for a long time.
I found out about the malathion spraying that had just started in the Los Angeles area and the toxicity of it and that I could help induce it to flush out of the body through an Acupuncture protocol all at the same time.
Polyethylene Glycol - (PEG's) are petroleum-based compounds used as product thickeners, solvents, softeners, and moisture carriers. Ethelene oxide and dioxane are by products of the petrochemical process called ethane oxide and may be contaminates in products with PEGs as a result. They are known skin carcinogens, and linked with liver and bladder cancer.
Glycol ethers that are solvents in paints and cleaning products have been linked to lower sperm count, among other health problems, in painters. They are also found in cleaning products, brake fluid and cosmetics.
Phythalates may also be labeled as denatured alcohol are used in personal care products, hair gels, hairspray, soaps, perfumes, deodorants, nail polish and air fresheners. The compounds of phythalates bind to estrogen receptors in our bodies and are considered "endocrine-disrupting chemicals." Personal care products that list "fragrance" as an ingredient may also contain phthalates. EWG says.
Recent studies have found these chemicals can alter genital development, create infertility, decrease sperm count and increase the risk of testicular cancer in men and endometriosis in women. Studies have found that they can trigger what is known as a death inducing signaling in testicular cells, making them die earlier then they should. They lower sperm count, less mobile sperm, cause obesity, diabetes and thyroid irregularities. They also cause increase frequency of hot flashes in menopause. Phthalates leach from plastic bottles into personal care products, shampoos and are washed down the drains having a negative impact on marine life.
Phthalates (known as plastics) are the number one toxic in the human body. Phthalates are so potent that if a mother is drinking out of plastic water bottles while she's pregnant, she can be programming her unborn child for adult diabetes, poor brain function and nerve function, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and much more. This stuff is all pervasive in the world, found even in polar bears. It is in the air, water and everywhere. Scientists found breast cancer cells grow like crazy when there are phthalates in their environment. You can detox phthalates from the body by eating cabbage, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, kale, collard greens, radishes, turnips and rutabaga. They get the detoxification pathway occurring in the liver in which glucuronic acid is conjugated with toxins which is the main way that we detox phthalates.
Perchlorate contaminates much of our produce and milk. It is a chemical component in rocket fuel. Once in the body it competes with nutrient iodine, which the thyroid needs to make thyroid hormones. These hormone regulate metabolism and are critical for proper brain and organ development in infants and young children. You can reduce perchlorate in your drinking water by installing a reverse osmosis filter
Parabens are used in cosmetics, foods and pharmaceuticals. They have displayed the ability to mimic the hormone estrogen and disrupt the functioning of our endocrine system. Cornell University reports that ongoing exposure to parabens can increase the risk of breast cancer. Studies also have shown that methylparaben applied to the skin can react with UVB rays leading to increased skin aging and DNA damage.
Synthetic Colors are derived from petroleum or coal tar sources. Product labels show them as FD&C or D&C and are found in food, drugs and cosmetics. They are suspect to be a human carcinogen, skin irritant and are linked to ADHD in children. The European Union has banned it.
Tulueen is a petrochemical derived from petroleum or coal tar sources. It is listed on labels as benzene, toluol, phenylmethane and methylbenzene. It is a potent solvent able to dissolve paint and can effect your respiratory system, is a hormone disruptor, neurotoxin and has been linked to immune system toxicity. It can be found in nail polish, hair treatments like color and bleaching products.
Expecting mothers should avoid exposure to toluene vapors as it may cause developmental damage in the fetus.
Triclosan is a widely used antimicrobial chemical that is a known endocrine disruptor - especially thyroid and reproductive hormones and a skin irritant. It can be found in
toothpastes, antibacterial soaps and deodorants.
Sodium lauryl sulfate(SLS)/Sodium laureth sulfate(SLES) found in more than 90% of personal care and cleaning products are known to be skin, lung and eye irritants but also combine with other chemicals such as nitrosamines, a carcinogen that leads to a host of other issues like kidney and respiratory damage. They can be found in shampoo, body wash/cleanser, mascara and acne treatments.
Glyphosate better known as Monsanto's Roundup is used on corn, soy, canola and cotton as well as home gardens and parks. It is registering very high in river water, rain water and in air samples. It has been linked to birth defects, neurological disorders, fertility issues and cancer.
Metam sodium is a pesticide used heavily on potatoes and effects the thyroid, is a hormone disruptor and can cause nausea, vomiting and difficulty breathing. Between it's effect on the thyroid and human hormones it can effect or increase pre-menstrual syndrome and hot flashes.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical found in plastics and food storage materials. It has been linked to everything from breast cancer to reproductive problems, obesity and heart disease. Cans are lined with BPA to avoid corrosion. Choose glass containers instead. Store receipts are coated with BPA so handle them as little as possible.
Perfluorochemicals are found in textiles and clothing.
Brominated flame retardants and PCB's are found in electronics and building material. This chemical is found to contaminate people, wild life around the world and even polar bears. They imitate thyroid hormones and disrupt their activity which can lead to a lower IQ. It has been phased out but is very persistent. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter, and avoid reupholstering foam furniture.
PFOA - Perfluorooctanoic acid or Perfluorinated Carboxylic Acid
Dupont knew that PFOA, a chemical they have spilled by the ton into waterways and air, was a health risk in 1960. It has polluted clean water across America. So now they have decided to start selling Dupont water filters! They make the problem and give us cancer and then provide the solution by making us pay for it. PFOA is Perfluorooctanoic acid also known as C8 and is a perfluorinated carboxylic acid produced worldwide as an industrial surfactant in chemical processes. It is a strong acid that causes burns. PFOA is used in carpenting, upholsery, apparel, floor wax, textiles, fire fighting foam, carpet-cleaning liquids, microwave popcorn bags, Teflon products and sealants.
A study of workers living near a Dupont Teflon plant found an association between PFOA exposure and tow kinds of cancer and four other diseases. PFOA has been detected in the blood of more than 98% of the generel US population in the low ranges. Studies have shown correlation between high PFOA exposure and kidney cancer, testicular cancer, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, high cholesterol and pregnancy induced hypertension. Companies agreed to gradually phase out the manufacturing of the chemical by 2015. However PROA and PFOS are extremely persistent in the environment and resistant to typical degradation processes. They are found in soil. air and groundwater at sites across the United States. The toxicity, mobility and bioaccumulation potential of PFOS and PFOA pose potential adverse effects for the environment and human health. PFOA contaminates every continent and has been detected in the central Pacific Ocean at low parts per trillion levels and in coastal waters. It is found to concentrate in the top layers of ocean water and is present in numerous mammals, fish and bird species. It is found in the blood and vital organs of Atlantic salmon, swordfish, stipped mullet, gray seals, common cormorants, polar bears, pelicans, sea turtles and eagles. It is found in household dust.