This is an acupressure system based on the ancient Ayurvedic system of medicine, which is over
6,000 years old and is considered the mother of all other systems. However I am sure the Chinese,
the Japanese, the greeks and a few others would want to challenge that. It is based on the ancient science of the Vedas. While it incorporates points also found in traditional Chinese acupuncture they are worked with in a unique way by using points in opposite parts of the body that are in an opposite polarity. In this healing system, just like the atom has spinning invisible forces of opposite polarity, so does the human body. The polarized rivers of energy must flow through the entire body for health.
Accidents, inharmony etc can cause blocks and interference with the healthy flow of this energy and
polarity therapy is a gentle protocol to bring about balance and health. It is very relaxing and I have
experienced and seen great improvements in back, hip and shoulder pain and problems in the abdomen and more.