Get prepared before you hit the road and think about staying healthy. Most people don't get enough sleep or drink enough water while they travel, and this can leave your body more vulnerable. Rest up and stay hydrated. Sounds simple but you will want to make the most of your trip with long days so you don't miss anything. This means more coffee consumption. Coffee is very dehydrating and for every cup of coffee you drink you need to drink several glasses of water to stay hydrated. Then you won't want to have to do that because you will have to pee more. So before you leave home start taking extra b- vitamins to get your energy up and instead of coffee mid afternoon take a dose of B complex and eat lots of cooked red peppers, both sweet and hot. This way you get energy boosts and you won't get dehydrated.
Sleep being an important issue , when you drink too much coffee. So here is a helpful hint. The homeopathic remedy coffee cruda can and will neutralize the coffee in your system so you can calm to sleep. The homeopathic remedy, coffee cruda is also good for those people or situations where they cannot stop the course of their thoughts, which prevents them from sleeping. It's for people who just can't stop thinking. Also, depending on your age you may want to take malatonin with you, both to sleep and to help reset your sleep clock.
There are other specific homeopathic remedies for traveling. If when traveling the bed doesn't seem right, it's too hard and you can't find a comfortable position, as happens in modern hotels Arnica is helpful. It is also good for disorientation, and over worked stiff muscles. Also Ignatia is good for traveling because it is good for insomnia caused by any break in routine and people who are worried about is everything going alright. There are more homeopathic remedies but one should see a qualified practitioner of holistic medicine to find what is right for you.
Another important issue related to dehydration is sodium. While we all need sodium, too much salt and sodium can weigh you down. It makes you feel sluggish, tired, stiff and old. When traveling you will probably be eating out more then usual and restaurants like to make their food as desirable as possible will add a lot of salt or salty ingredients. To counteract the sodium your body needs and will use potassium to either balance out the sodium or flush it out. Eat potassium rich foods, such as fruits, fruit juices, avocados and take some dried fruit, as dried cranberries, as opposed to raisins which are loaded with pesticides.
When getting ready to travel it is important to get enough sleep and take care of keeping your immune system strong so you don't catch a cold bug on the plane. Take probiotics, zinc, vitamin C and beta- carateen vitamin A. Take herbal formulas to build up your immune system.
Reinforce your diet with essential fatty acids too, especially omega- 3 fatty acids. And bring protein rich snacks like nuts, seeds or energy bars.
While traveling, keep ginger root supplements on hand to settle your stomach, or crystallized ginger for a functional treat.
Carry lip moisturizer, lotion, eye drops and saline nasal spray, especially if you're flying because airplane air is dry.
Pack gum to chew during pressure changes, plus comforts like a blanket, pillow, eye mask and ear plugs. The silicon ear plugs are the most comfortable and effective. Carry a hand sanitizer and or wash your hands often. Depending on where you are going be careful about eating fresh fruits and veggies, they might give you diarrhea. If you do get it try taking probiotics and/or hydrocloric acid, a strong stomach digestive enzyme will usually clear it up. Also black licorice has been found helpful.
Vitamins to help jet lag are vitamin B-12 and Vitamin B-4. They keep your body alert and energized without the shaky side affects of energy drinks or coffee. Vitamin B-4 is also known as adenine and can be taken in the form of NADH and is considered a co-enzyme. It is B- nicotinamine adenine dinucleotide. Black licorice is a good energy booster and helps with endurance when taken for short periods of time. It is available in capsules and black licorice as a candy made with molasses without refined sugar might be another way to take it and more available when traveling
And when you are ready to sleep Vitamin D, is related to the melatonin levels in your body, which is a hormone that helps get your body ready for sleep.